There Is No "One Key" To Great Dental Health

Four Helpful Tips For Easing Anxiety At The Dentist

For some people, a simple trip to the dentist can cause a lot of anxiety. If you are one of these people, you may be apprehensive about going to the dentist. Fortunately, there are many ways to cope with this anxiety so you can get the proper dental care you need. Here are just some of the many ways you can work through your anxiety at the dentist's office.

Bring Your Headphones

You may find that listening to calming music helps you to relax during routine dental visits. Talk to your dentist before any exams or dental work begin, and let him or her know you would prefer to listen to music during the visit. Your dentist can go over what will happen during the visit first, and then you can put in your headphones and turn on your chosen playlist. Opt for ear buds, which will fit in your ears comfortably, and work out a signal you can use with your dentist to take the headphones out if further discussion of your teeth and gums is required.

Use A Stress Ball

A stress ball can help you to release some tension during your dental visit. Keep the ball in the palm of your hand, and squeeze whenever you feel nervous or stressed. This may also come in handy as a way to distract yourself from any pain or discomfort during dental work. You can purchase a stress ball at a local discount or dollar store, or you can make one on your own by filling a small balloon with uncooked rice or beans.

Take A Break

Don't be afraid to ask your dentist to take a break during your appointment. You may find that standing up and walking around the room can help you to calm down if you are feeling anxious. Take some deep breaths and try to think of something other than the dental work you are having done. You'll want to let your dentist know ahead of time that you might want to take a break, as this will help him or her to plan an approach to your care while ensuring he or she doesn't fall behind schedule with other patients.

Discuss Medicinal Options

For people with extreme anxiety, some prescription medications may help. Discuss your anxiety issues with your dentist and primary care physician to determine if a medicinal option is the right approach for you. This should be done well in advance of any dental work you need, as this will give you the time you need to fill the prescription and take it as directed before your dental visit.

Your dentist may have a few other ways to help manage your anxiety during your visit. Discuss your feelings, including what makes you feel anxious, so you can work together to get the dental care you need without feeling nervous and anxious at your appointment.
