Four Ways to Prepare for Your Dentist Visit
When you make sure to visit a dentist routinely, they will handle many different aspects of your dental care. However, there are still things that you need to do at home to care for your teeth, particularly in the time leading up to your appointment. Use these tips to make sure you are prepared for your dental appointment.
Eat Mindfully
It may not be a good idea to eat a greasy burger or slice of pizza in the hours leading up to your visit. Greasy or rich foods can be unsettling to the stomach. If the dentist determines you need to have a treatment performed that requires nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, on the day of your visit, the combination of the grease and this gas may lead to nausea. Maybe stick with a salad or another light meal option to avoid this risk.
Floss and Brush
You still need to perform your regular dental hygiene regimen on the day of your visit. Do not just leave it to the dentist. Cleaning your teeth is not just about maintaining their appearance, but should be focused on their health. Therefore, there should be no break in the care and upkeep of your mouth, teeth, and gums. Keep in mind, even if you do not brush first, your teeth will still be cleaned during the visit.
Avoid Marijuana Use
If you live in a state where marijuana use is legal, it is still best that you avoid using this substance prior to your appointment. Marijuana can increase your risk of bleeding. If you are someone who normally bleeds after a cleaning or other routine care, using marijuana could further complicate the matter. Avoid smoking before your appointment and be sure to honestly answer when asked if you have used this substance in the past.
Prepare a Health Update
Typically, you only visit the dentist a couple of times a year, so a lot can change during this time. Certain health conditions affect the health of your mouth, teeth, and gums and may impact the type of treatments that the dentist recommends. For this reason, it is always good to update your dentist about any new diagnosis you may have received or any new medications that you are taking.
If you have additional concerns about how to prepare for your visit, do not hesitate to contact a family dentistry to learn more about what you should do.