Three Things That May Mean You Need To Wait Before Getting Dental Implants
Loss of a few teeth can make you feel self-conscious about the way you look and may cause additional dental problems over time. Dental implants might seem like the perfect solution for someone like you because the implants are natural-looking and attached to your jawbone, so you may be surprised when your dentist seems hesitant to approve an implant procedure for you right now. That's because they might notice the following things that indicate it may be better if you wait to have implants installed.
You're a Smoker
If you've been smoking a pack of cigarettes each day, your dentist may very well want to wait until you stop smoking before they'll install implants. The nicotine in your cigarette smoke might delay healing from the implants because it causes less flow of blood to peripheral blood vessels, such as the ones inside your gums. Smoke also tends to burn the tissues in your mouth, which could also be a problem. If you are serious about dental implants, you'll need to start cutting down.
You Have Cavities
You may think nothing of the cavities you've got right now, as they may not be near the missing teeth in your mouth. However, because cavities are caused in part by bacteria that forms plaque that sits on the surface of your teeth, you may have a bacterial load in your mouth that is too high for implants. Peri-implantitis, a painful condition, can result if the bacteria in your mouth causes an infection after the implants have gone in. This condition might ultimately result in the deterioration of your jaw, so your dentist might want to wait until your cavities have been filled before attempting implants in your mouth.
You Have Low Bone Density
In order for the implant to be successful, your jaw has to be a strong one. It has to withstand the implanting procedure and it has to be able to support the implants for many years. If your jawbone is not dense enough, your dentist may not want to recommend that you get implants.
What can you do if this is the case? Taking vitamin D and the mineral calcium can help your bones start to become stronger. Talk with your primary care doctor to determine what other things you may be able to do in order to increase the density of your jaw bone.
The three things discussed in this article by no means prevent you from ever being able to have implants. Use the information above to make the kinds of changes that could help you become more likely to have the procedure done. Talk to your dentist, such as at Keenan Green Family Dentistry, about continuing to monitor your health so that they can let you know when you finally become a perfect candidate for the work.