What To Expect When You Decide To Get Veneers
Veneers are a good choice if you want to fix imperfections in your smile. However, there are a few things you should be aware of before you make the decision to get veneers. Here is what you can expect to happen when you opt to get veneers.
It Takes Time
Fitting veneers requires strategic planning. Your dentist will want to make sure that veneers are the right choice for you, since there may be simpler ways to fix whatever is wrong with your smile.
The Two Main Benefits Of Getting Trial Smile Veneers Before Regular Ones
When you are looking for a dentist or cosmetic dentist to place veneers on your teeth, one of the questions you should ask them is if they use trial smile veneers, or provisional temporary veneers, before they make and place normal veneers, or if they just use a computer mock-up to show you what the veneers will look like. Learning the benefits of using a dentist or cosmetic dentist who uses trial smile veneers will help see why this is an important factor you should look for in a dental professional.
Implant Restoration After A Horrible Car Accident: What To Expect
You have been through a really horrible car accident. Your face received some serious damage, so much so in fact that your dental implants were ripped from their sockets. Right now, your jaw is wired shut so that it can heal properly. The dentist came into the emergency room while you were unconscious and stitched the flesh of your gums and inner cheeks back into place, and then did the wiring.
Five Ways To Reduce Sensitivity When Whitening Your Teeth
Having a smile that you're proud of can increase your self-confidence. Feeling good about the way you look may allow you to lead a more active life. One of the easiest ways to make your smile brighter is by whitening your teeth. This is a process you can have completed at your dental office for optimal results. However, one issue you may face extreme sensitivity. It's in your best interest to know how to minimize this problem before getting this procedure done.
3 Things Pregnant Women Need To Know About Dental Care
Welcoming a child into the family can be exciting, but pregnancy can have a significant effect on the expectant mother's body. It's important to understand how pregnancy can affect your body so that you will be prepared to better address your oral health needs while expecting.
Here are three things that you as a pregnant woman need to know about dental care to keep your teeth and gums healthy:
1. Chewing gum can be beneficial.
How Dental Bonding Fixes Your Irregularly Spaced Teeth
If you are unhappy because your teeth are irregularly spaced, then a cosmetic dentist can rectify the situation using a process called dental bonding. Dental bonding is a relatively inexpensive procedure and is completed in your dentist's office without the need of anesthesia or pain medication. After the bonding process is completed, your teeth will have even spaces between them and you will no longer feel self-conscious when you smile.
Four Things You Didn't Know About Teeth Fillings
You hear about fillings all of the time. Many people have them and many people are told everyday that they are going to need some. However, not many people understand why fillings are actually important or what they even do. Here are four things you might not know about fillings:
​Fixes Damaged Tooth Enamel: The part of your tooth that protects the whole thing from getting an infection is the enamel. This is the hardest part of the tooth that prevents the bacteria from getting into the sensitive part of the tooth, which is the nerves.
Signs Of Dental Demineralization And How The Problem Is Addressed
Dental cavities are extremely common, with over 90% of individuals over the age of 20 having at least one dental cavity. This statistic may be surprising if you are an adult who has yet to be treated for decay. While cavities are not something that you have ever been concerned about, you should understand that your teeth may have started to demineralize, which is the precursor to dental decay. There are a few signs that this issue has developed.
How To Prevent Invisalign Aligner Clouding
The idea of wearing metal braces as an adult may make you cringe. If this is an issue for you, then you should look into clear Invisalign aligners instead. Aligners can work well to move teeth, especially when mild occlusions are noted. However, there are a few issues you may run into when using the braces, like clouding. Clouding can be avoided fairly easily with a few tips:
Always Rinse
Myths Concerning Tooth Replacement Options
Replacing missing teeth is something that you will likely hope that you will never need to do. However, accidents and dental health problems can be unavoidable, which may result in you losing one or more of your teeth. If you suffer one or more of these issues, knowing the truth about some common tooth replacement misconceptions should allow you to be better able to repair your smile after losing teeth.