
Baby Having Problems Breastfeeding? Your Dentist May Be Able To Help

If your baby is having problems latching onto your breast, there are many reasons why this may be happening. It could be that your baby needs more practice, but there may be a medical reason why this may be happening. Tongue Tie While your baby was developing inside your uterus, part of that included a small amount of tissue, known as frenulums, that attaches your baby's tongue to the floor of their lower jaw.

Replacing a Missing Tooth with a Dental Implant

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, but something as soft as the scum that plaque leaves behind on your teeth will slowly eat away at your enamel until there is nothing left to do but replace them. While you could use a dental bridge to replace your tooth, a dental implant is more solid. There are just a few things you need to know before you get one.

The Dental Implant Process: A Step-By-Step Guide

Are you considering the use of dental implants to replace your missing or severely damaged teeth? If so, you may be wondering exactly what is involved in this dental process. The step-by-step guide below can help to answer any questions you may have regarding what to expect throughout this process. Step 1: Creating A Mold One of the reasons that dental implants look so natural is that the crowns that are placed on these implants are actually custom made using your real teeth as a mold.

Taking Care Of Your New Dental Implants

Dental implants are an increasingly common procedure meant to replace broken or missing teeth and restore your smile. Many patients, however, don't realize that their new implants need regular care for years after installation. Like regular teeth, implants can become infected and deteriorate over time when not maintained properly. In order to prevent implant failure and potentially permanent jaw damage, follow these five steps for dental implant aftercare.  Rest After the Procedure

Don't Panic! Understanding Panic Attacks At The Dentist

Visiting the dentist is a common fear experienced by many individuals; however, for some people the fear can overwhelm them and result in panic attacks. If you suffer from anxiety at the thought of visiting the dentist, read below to understand more about your situation and steps you can take to manage it: Recurring Panic Attacks Panic attacks aren't usually standalone occurrences; rather, they are recurring events that occur with people who are prone to anxiety and stress.

Cosmetic Dentistry: 4 Procedures To Give You A Beautiful Smile

Are you unhappy with your smile? If you were not born with the smile of your dreams, or if your smile has deteriorated over time, you now have a number of options. A dental appointment used to typically be for an exam, or to have cavities filled, but many dentists are now offering a number of cosmetic procedures that correct common smile issues, such as discoloration, and chipped, crooked, or misshapen teeth.

3 Ways To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is an uncomfortable and disheartening condition for anyone. It can be caused by certain foods, poor dental hygiene, mouth injuries, and even some medications. Anyone can experience bad breath at almost any time, but often they don't know how to treat it once it happens. To help you if you suffer from bad breath, here are three ways to help you get rid of your bad breath.

Options For Closing The Gap Between Your Front Teeth

When you smile, do you dread seeing yourself in the mirror because of the gap you have between your top front teeth? If so, you have a condition that is referred to as a diastema. A diastema is the gap you see between your teeth; and while this is not hazardous for your health, it can be embarrassing. A cosmetic dentist can fix this for you with one of the following methods:

The Naughty And Nice Food List For People With Braces

With the holidays comes holiday parties and holiday food. If this is your first holiday season with metal braces from places like Cazes Family Dentistry LLC, you may be a little nervous and uncertain about what is "safe" to eat. Read more to learn what foods are on your orthodontist's "Naughty And Nice" list. Foods On The "Naughty" List If you wear braces, stay away from the hard or sticky stuff.

The Top 3 Ways To Help Your Child Have A Lifetime Of Great Dental Health

An attractive set of pearly white teeth is an asset that your child will use all of his or her life. From making school friends to getting a good job to having success in romance, good teeth make a difference. To be sure your little one enjoys a lifetime of good dental health, support your child in these 3 ways: 1) When it comes to dental visits, go early and go often.