
5 Tips For Handling A Dental Emergency

It is important for everyone to see the dentist twice a year for a checkup. However, not all dental problems can wait until your six-month checkup. Certain dental issues, like a broken tooth or severe toothache, must be dealt with as soon as possible. Here are a few tips for handling a dental emergency. Remain Calm When you have a dental emergency, your natural instinct may be to panic. However, this will not do you any good.

Protecting Your Damaged Tooth With A Porcelain Crown

When a patient's tooth has suffered extensive damage, there may be a need to have a crown applied to it. While the placement of a dental crown is something that many people will need at some point during their lives, you might not be informed about this procedure when it becomes necessary for treating your tooth damage. Will A Dental Crown Have A Metallic Look To It? In the past, crowns were often made from metal components due to the durability of these materials.

General Dental Mistakes You Should Avoid Making

Mistakes while caring for your teeth can be a significant mistake as they can lead to a variety of potentially significant complications and cosmetic problems. Sadly, there are several common mistakes that people will make with their teeth that can compromise their overall oral health. Ineffective Cleaning Of The Spaces Between Teeth The space between your teeth can be some of the areas that will be the most difficult for people to clean.

Lingering Numbness After A Dental Visit: What's Causing It?

There are some aftereffects to most dental procedures. Sometimes this is perfectly logical. Oral surgery can be invasive and requires healing and sufficient recovery time—with some discomfort being an expected aftereffect. Even something as benign as professional teeth cleaning can lead to temporary dental sensitivity. Any aftereffects should fade away relatively quickly, so it's curious when they persist. Why might your mouth stay numb after visiting your dentist? Deliberate Numbness

Here's How You Can Boost Your Oral Hygiene And Health

Good oral health is critical for everyone, but unfortunately, many people don't practice and maintain it. It's one thing to know the importance of practicing good oral health, and it's another to make it a daily habit. Your teeth can stay healthy for a long time as long as you take oral health seriously. Many people assume that proper oral health is only associated with their gums, teeth, and smiles, but it's more than this.

Acid Reflux And Teeth: Keeping Your Smile Looking Nice

Acid reflux is a painful digestive condition that churns acid from the stomach, into the throat, and often into the mouth. You may not realize, but acid reflux can do damage to your teeth just as much as it impacts the rest of your health. Over time, your teeth can wear away as the enamel is eaten by the acid. For that reason, you need to take care to avoid the need for cosmetic dentistry to restore broken or damaged teeth.

Six Ways Dental Implants Can Benefit You In Your Career

Dental implants improve patients' lives in many ways. One area of a patient's life that dental implants can improve is a patient's career. The following are six ways that dental implants can benefit you in your career.  Dental implants can improve your appearance. Many people have job roles in which a professional and attractive appearance is important. Anyone who has a job where interaction with clients or the general public is necessary can benefit from improving their appearance.

Cracked Teeth And How They Are Treated

A cracked tooth occurs when the bite pressure exceeds the amount of force that the tooth can sustain. People may suffer from cracked teeth from biting on a particularly hard item or from regularly grinding their teeth. Once you develop a crack in one of your teeth, you may wonder whether or not the crack can heal without dental intervention. Here is a bit of information about cracked teeth and how they are treated.

Four Ways to Prepare for Your Dentist Visit

When you make sure to visit a dentist routinely, they will handle many different aspects of your dental care. However, there are still things that you need to do at home to care for your teeth, particularly in the time leading up to your appointment. Use these tips to make sure you are prepared for your dental appointment. Eat Mindfully It may not be a good idea to eat a greasy burger or slice of pizza in the hours leading up to your visit.

Your Sinus Infection: Signs You Should See The Dentist For It

Sinus infections are relatively common ailments that many people have and can affect anyone at any time. Often caused by the common cold virus or other intrusion, a sinus infection can cause pain in the ears, upper quadrants of the face, and can even cause pain in the teeth, gums, and jaw. When you have a sinus infection, it might be dental-related, which means you'll need to see your dentist to get full relief from your symptoms.