Dental Crown Options For People Allergic To Amalgam And Similar Metals

If you are a person who is allergic to certain metals, you may have concerns about dental treatments that are made of metal. Perhaps you found out you had a metal allergy as a result of having metal dental work such as fillings in the past. Today, there are numerous materials that dentists can use for procedures such as crowns. Yoo may be like some people who are not allergic to all metals. [Read More]

Thre Commonly Asked Questions About Dentures

When you have had the misfortune of losing many of your teeth, replacing them can be important for both restoring your smile as well as allowing you the full range of use for your mouth. Sadly, many dental patients are not particularly well-informed about their options for replacing teeth. In order to make sure that you are as prepared as possible to evaluate getting dentures, you should know the following answers to a few questions. [Read More]

How To Know If You Need An Appointment With A Periodontist

It is important to make sure that you are well aware of when it is time to schedule an appointment with a periodontist to prevent too many dental problems from arising. To help you learn when it might be time to call for assistance, you will want to review the following points. There Is A Family History Of Gum Disease Even if you are not noticing any signs of trouble within your mouth, you might have an underlying issue that could only be spotted by a professional periodontist at this stage. [Read More]

Is Whitening Your Child's Teeth Safe?

Your child's teeth are a little yellow. You're looking into whitening techniques, but are they safe for your child? Here's a look at all the risks and facts associating with teeth whitening for children. There Isn't Any Clear Data It's important to be honest, and the truth is that there is no clear data on whether teeth whitening products are safe for children. However, the products use hydrogen peroxide to lighten teeth, which is a bleach. [Read More]