It is important for everyone to see the dentist twice a year for a checkup. However, not all dental problems can wait until your six-month checkup. Certain dental issues, like a broken tooth or severe toothache, must be dealt with as soon as possible.
Here are a few tips for handling a dental emergency.
Remain Calm
When you have a dental emergency, your natural instinct may be to panic. However, this will not do you any good.
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Protecting Your Damaged Tooth With A Porcelain Crown
When a patient's tooth has suffered extensive damage, there may be a need to have a crown applied to it. While the placement of a dental crown is something that many people will need at some point during their lives, you might not be informed about this procedure when it becomes necessary for treating your tooth damage.
Will A Dental Crown Have A Metallic Look To It?
In the past, crowns were often made from metal components due to the durability of these materials.
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General Dental Mistakes You Should Avoid Making
Mistakes while caring for your teeth can be a significant mistake as they can lead to a variety of potentially significant complications and cosmetic problems. Sadly, there are several common mistakes that people will make with their teeth that can compromise their overall oral health.
Ineffective Cleaning Of The Spaces Between Teeth
The space between your teeth can be some of the areas that will be the most difficult for people to clean.
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Lingering Numbness After A Dental Visit: What's Causing It?
There are some aftereffects to most dental procedures. Sometimes this is perfectly logical. Oral surgery can be invasive and requires healing and sufficient recovery time—with some discomfort being an expected aftereffect. Even something as benign as professional teeth cleaning can lead to temporary dental sensitivity. Any aftereffects should fade away relatively quickly, so it's curious when they persist. Why might your mouth stay numb after visiting your dentist?
Deliberate Numbness
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